2022 7 x 14 Discovery Rover SE


7x14 Discovery Rover SE TA35

Special Features:

Charcoal, Screwless 24" slant wedge, flow thru vents, rear ramp door, 16" o/c floor, walls & ceiling. White vinyl above roof bows, 4 R rings (1 each corner), 72" interior height, 2-5/16 Couplers, 2"x6" tube steel main rails, dexter spring axles w/ 4" drop, bright aluminum on wedge nose, 7 way electrical plug, 12 volt LED strip tail lights, LED marker lights 4 per side, LED dome light/with switch, one piece aluminum roof, radial tires on steel wheels & much more!!!!!!


About these values
TypeCargo Encl BP
Stock ID3285
StatusIn Stock

No floor plan associated with this model.

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